8 SEAT SUPPER | JANUARY | 26.27.28 by Kevin Powell

Happy New Year! We're really happy to present this months menu that focuses on vegetables and grains. We're using lots of new ferments and pickles we've been working on. Recently we've have gotten distracted by salt making and there's plans to highlight some interesting takes we've done. Check out the menu below, as usual places are super limited so get in quick! It's BYO and we have a suggested donation of 60€ to cover the costs of running the meal.

There you have it! Some of the finest vegetables we can get and celebration of the amazing produce from last year. We're really excited to see how the dishes come out! All the small print is below!

So, there it is! It's our usual deal BYO (we go with beer, pick up a few and have small glasses with friends. Mix them up!) There will be wee brown envelopes at the end, we've a suggested donation of 60€ for the meal to cover the cost and time involved in the meal! 

We kick off about 8.30, feel free to arrive between 8:00 and 8:30. It's all very sociable, with such an extensive menu we can't overly accommodate for dietary requirements, but don't let that stop you asking! Email hello@gruelguerrilla.com to reserve a space!

8 SEAT SUPPER | CHRISTMAS | by Kevin Powell

It's our final set of meals for the year! It has been an exciting year with the suppers going further than I every thought they would, travelling to Japan to cook some food and trying to ferment and pickled everything we got our hands on. Well, it's all resulted in this menu. A mix of seasonal vegetables from Temple Bar Food Market, a collection of our foraging exploites and preserving for an entire year. 

So, there it is! It's our usual deal BYO (we go with beer, pick up a few and have small glasses with friends. Mix them up!) There will be wee brown envelopes at the end, we've a suggested donation of 85€ for the meal to cover the cost and time involved in the meal! 

We kick off about 8.30, feel free to arrive between 8:00 and 8:30. It's all very sociable, with such an extensive menu we can't overly accommodate for dietary requirements, but don't let that stop you asking! Email hello@gruelguerrilla.com to reserve a space!

8 SEAT SUPPER | OCTOBER | 27.28.29 by Kevin Powell


We had a really amazing set of meals and i'm legging it off to Japan to say hey to Robin so we've decided to put on another meal for the end of this month. It will be an 11 course meal and our first run for our Christmas menu. We've got a warm and spicy menu with lots of exciting bits and pieces. As usual everything will be Irish and interesting with some surprises as the night goes on. It will just be Pete and I so expect lots of chats and sharing of recipes. Check out the menu below and come and enjoy it! 

So, there it is! It's our usual deal BYO (we go with beer, pick up a few and have small glasses with friends. Mix them up!) There will be wee brown envelopes at the end, we've a suggested donation of 60€ for the meal to cover the cost and time involved in the meal! 

We kick off about 8.30, feel free to arrive between 8:00 and 8:30. It's all very sociable, with such an extensive menu we can't overly accommodate for dietary requirements, but don't let that stop you asking! Email hello@gruelguerrilla.com to reserve a space!

8 SEAT SUPPER | OCTOBER | 5.6.7 by Kevin Powell

Well, we missed September, but it gave me lots to think about so we've decided to do an early October meal. It's full of foraged fruits and lots of new interesting ideas we've wanted to show you wonderful people. As usual we've some of the most exciting bits and bobs coming form all over Ireland. Our menus are starting to get warmer with the change in weather. Throw your wee eyes over it below and we hope to see you!

So, there it is! It's our usual deal BYO (we go with beer, pick up a few and have small glasses with friends. Mix them up!) There will be wee brown envelopes at the end you can pay what you feel the meal was worth or whatever you'd like! We kick off about 8.30, feel free to arrive between 8:00 and 8:30. It's all very sociable, with such an extensive menu we can't overly accommodate for dietary requirements, but don't let that stop you asking!

8 SEAT SUPPER | JULY | 27.28.29 by Kevin Powell

Here it is! Our final meal before Robin returns for her suppers in August! We've a huge amount of vegetables and fruit to choose from and we think we've come up with some really special dishes! 

So, there it is! It's our usual deal BYO (we go with beer, pick up a few and have small glasses with friends. Mix them up!) There will be wee brown envelopes at the end you can pay what you feel the meal was worth or whatever you'd like! We kick off about 8.30, feel free to arrive between 7:30 and 8:30. It's all very sociable, with such an extensive menu we can't overly accommodate for dietary requirements, but don't let that stop you asking! 

8 SEAT SUPPER | JULY | 6.7.8 by Kevin Powell

We've another menu! It's practically a regular thing these days! All organised and all that! With some many great ingredients from the McNally Family Farm and Organic Delights or fresh stuff is great fun to play with. Mark from Ballyhoura Mountain Mushrooms has bene foraging some amazing things too!

There it is! Bright, fresh and to me very exciting! We're really enjoying playing with different fermented vegetables and playing with lots of random powdered things! POWDERED PEAS! 

It's the usual deal! 8 SEATS! 3 Nights and pay as you please. BYO and we try to endeavour to suit most people's requirements but there's lots of bits and bobs and all that! So please don't hesitate to mail me and find out what we can do! hello@gruelguerrilla.com

8 SEAT SUPPER | JUNE | 15.16.17 by Kevin Powell

Here it is! Our long awaited menu. I had a pretty hectic few weeks there. So first of all apologies. We've gotten around to doing ALOT of foraging around Dublin City recently and we've a few interesting pieces planned for this menu! We have come up with a wee 10 course menu for you all to enjoy....well 24 of you. But still! We are also planning an amazing meal for August when the amazingly fabulous Robin returns to us for a short spell. It's going to be a mix of local Kyoto ingredients and our normally amazing fresh produce. But to get back to this month! Below you will find the menu. If you would like to reserve a spot please mail us: hello@gruelguerrilla.com

So, there it is! It's our usual deal BYO (we go with beer, pick up a few and have small glasses with friends. Mix them up!) There will be wee brown envelopes at the end you can pay what you feel the meal was worth or whatever you'd like! We kick off about 8.30, feel free to arrive between 7:30 and 8:30. It's all very sociable, with such an extensive menu we can't overly accommodate for dietary requirements, but don't let that stop you asking! 

8 SEAT SUPPER | MARCH/APRIL | 30.31.1 by Kevin Powell

Our menu is here! We had to hold off to find out what we could actually get our hands on! But we're really happy with it. It's the usual unusual fayre of Irish wonders combined in some stage way! But we wouldn't want it any other way!

The dinners will be held over 3 night with just 8 seats up for grabs each evening. We'll be hiding out in our place in Temple Bar and it's all set to pretty exciting! Below you can throw your eye over our menu. It's the usual deal of pay what you please. There will be wee Gruel Guerrilla envelopes sent out with your cheese course and just pop in what you'd be happy to pay for the meal. We will pop out and chat about our suppliers and recipes. We aim to answer any questions you might have to do about the meal and can give you recipes for any dishes you particularly would like to replicate at home!


  • Kick off is at 8PM (Arrive between 7.30-8) | GERROUT BY MIDNIGHT
  • BYO (We will suggest pairing closer to the dates if you'd like, but we find beer is the best on the evening)
  • We can handle a vegetarian diet. But others sadly with this meal we can not. There's gluten a plenty and we love dairy.
  • email: hello@gruelguerrilla.com to book a seat or four


The fabulous and wonderful Junko Hamilton is making a quick pitstop in Ireland for a few days. We've offered back up our place for her to host a miso workshop! It will be limited to 10 spots so get in quick! It's on Sunday February 28th at 1pm here in Temple Bar. 

This our 3rd year making miso and it's always been an amazing experience, tasting them as they develop. The workshop is great for anyone interested in taking their Japanese home cooking. Junko is a wealth of knowledge and just being able to spend time with her is worth it!

Here is what Junko has to say about the workshop:

In the Miso-making Workshop, you will bring home about 2kg of prepared miso and allow it to ferment for seven to twelve months at your home.
Miso is made from three ingredients - Soy beans, Koji and salt.
It's simple to make, but the art is in the fermentation.
You will not be disappointed if you are a Miso-lover!

What you will need on the day is a CLEAN 3KG KILNER JAR, AN APRON and BETWEEN 7 TO 12 MONTHS OF PATIENCE!

I will also be preparing a light meal for all to enjoy showcasing some of the many uses of miso! The price for the event is 75€. Email us hello@gruelguerrilla.com to hold a spot!


This day next week ourselves and the folks at Sex Siopa will host a dinner in a special location in the city centre! Now with seven days to go we've decided to reveal our menu inspired by tales of Valentine's traditions from around the globe!

There it is! At usual everything is sourced locally! Tickets are still available on the eventbrite page HERE! Tickets are €50 plus booking fee and Sex Siopa are supplying a goodie bag too!

SUPPER | DECEMBER 20.21.22 | 8 SEATS | BYOB by Kevin Powell


We've decided to open our apartment in Temple Bar back up to you lovely people for a few nights before the end of the year. We've changed some things around and cleared out some of our chairs. We've gone back from 16 seats to 8, from 2 tables to 1 and hopefully improved the over all experience for everyone.

We have decided on a menu that is long, takes an evening to enjoy and will showcase our favourite suppliers from the last few years of our meals. 

There it is! The menu, lengthy and wonderful. Stuffed with our favourite ingredients. The deal on the evening: The meals will be on the evenings of 20th, 21st and 22nd of December (Sun, Mon+Tues) Arrive between 6:30-7:30 get cozy and sip a winter julep. We'll then kick off about 8 and hopefully finish just before midnight. Our cheeseboard is plentiful and makes for a good few stories. There's no set price for the night, pay whatever you feel and enjoy the whole experience. The usual deal with the booze is there 'bring your own' I'm fond of beers with the food to be honest. Bring wine if you feel like it, the flavours can yoyo wildly between courses and that can sometimes a challenge with wine

To book a seat mail us at hello@gruelguerrilla.com 


A few month ago our besties over at Hunt & Gather asked if Kevin would pop along to a proposal lunch and make some gin inspired food for the good folks at Catapult. Off he popped and whipped up a treat. They liked it! We liked it! It was great. Then we waited. A call came, suddenly and hurriedly. The job was on, a secret of great magnitude and they wanted secret, strange and magical canapés. But it was a new season, so new treats had to be made! We rapidly whipped up a wonderful suggestion of canapés and sent it off. 

- Brioche toast topped with gentleman's relish, gin marmalade pickle and gin washed Goatsbridge trout caviar.
- Sourdough and smoked butter cucumber sandwiches
- Devils on Horseback [dates stuffed with apple and gin compote then wrapped in Broughgammon goat bacon]
- Gin turkish delight in a woodruff and black pepper sugar

We also had a special request for a set of brunch canapés for the Gentleman's Academy which were:

- Broughgammon Billy Burger wrapped eggs, topped with beer mustard, gin and marmalade pickle and gin washed Goatsbridge Trout Caviar
- Tonic water battered Oysters with housemade pickles and goat bacon hollandaise
- Tisane and gin soaked prunes wrapped in panchetta

The turkish delight was a revelation with a little playing around we got our recipe down and we've been asked a few time if we'd share it, so here you go!

45gr lemon juice
550gr sugar
100gr gin
70gr cucumber juice/water
1gr green food dye
65gr cornflour
15 leaves of gelatine

Line a small tray about 15cm x 15cm with strong clingfilm. 

Place all the ingredients in a heavy based pot except for the gelatine. Cut up the gelatine and place in a bowl and cover with water.  Bring the pot to a gentle simmer for 15 minutes. Squeeze the water from the gelatine and whizz into the mixture. Pour into the prepared tray and chill in the fridge for 6 hours. At this point you can cut them up and coat them in icing sugar [OR] cover than shit in chocolate! Either way, it keeps well. It tastes great. You want to get a different flavour mix it up.

- 125gr water
- 45gr rosewater

- 125gr water
-45gr orange blossom water

There you go! All wrapped up, done and dusted. Happy days. It was a great event and we enjoyed every moment of it.


This is a long time coming, from when I came up with the original menu, seasons have changed, new friends met and food styles transformed. But the menu we have, I am super happy with it's going to be exciting and beautiful. 

Courses will be paired with an exciting and delicious beer from Boundary Brewing and cheese will be selected by Mike of MFCheese . It kicks off at 7pm and its costs £35 plus the booking fee, you can get tickets here